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About Legends

Unbeatable Legal Marketing for Legends in the Making

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See What We're About

At Legends, we’re not just a marketing firm.

We’re storytellers.

Our clients are committed advocates for their communities, skillful attorneys who are masters at what they do and ready to make a name for themselves.

We leverage the latest in online technology to help our clients work smarter, not harder.

Award-winning design, hard-hitting copy, game-changing websites, and powerful marketing campaigns are the tools we use to build and broadcast your brand.

We handle all aspects of your online presence so you don’t have to worry about a thing.

You focus on winning the battles – and we’ll focus on telling your tale.

Meet The Award-Winning Team

Colleen Vizents
Lo Graham
Kendra Cutright
Molly Amarir
Suzy Gray
Suzy Gray
Ashlyn Allen
Ashlyn Allen


years of experience


websites built


client satisfaction rating


years of experience


websites built


client satisfaction rating

What We Do

We pride ourselves on cultivating innovative SEO strategies and marketing initiatives that put our clients on the digital map.

Our team is small but mighty – just like the firms we support. Your success is our success, and seeing your business thrive is what our story is all about.

But we don’t believe in growth for the sake of growth. We like meeting our clients where they are: accomplished attorneys on their way to becoming legends.

It’s our job to get you there.

"I really enjoy working with Legends. Since I've been working with them, I've seen growth at my firm of over 300%, and the number of clients who I currently have is growing.”

John Radziewicz